

Appendix Surgery

Laparoscopic appendectomy provide less postoperative morbidity. Most cases of acute appendicitis can be treated laparoscopically. Laparoscopic appendectomy is a useful method for reducing hospital stay, complications and return to normal activity. The main advantages are:

  • Less post-operative pain
  • Faster recovery
  • Short hospital stay
  • Less post-operative complications like wound infection and adhesion
  • Cost-effective in working group

No. Most surgeons would not recommend laparoscopic appendicectomy in those with pre-existing disease conditions. Patients with cardiac diseases and COPD should not be considered a good candidate for laparoscopic appendectomy. Laparoscopic appendectomy may also be more difficult in patients who have had previous lower abdominal surgery. The elderly may also be at increased risk for complications with general anaesthesia combined with pneumoperitoneum. Laparoscopy does add to the surgical risk in patients with a lowered cardio-pulmonary reserve with regard to the consequences of the pneumoperitoneum and a longer operative time.

In experienced hand there is not any specific complication directly related to laparoscopic procedure but if the surgeon is not trained enough in laparoscopy than the chance of following complication is there:

  • Missed diagnosis
  • Bleeding
  • Incomplete appendectomy
  • Visceral Injury

Leakage of purulent exudates from appendix at the time of operation:

  • Intra-abdominal abscess
  • Hernia

Breast Lump

A lumpectomy is a common but major surgery with significant risks and potential complications. You may have more effective treatment options for your type and stage of breast cancer. You may also have less invasive treatment options for noncancerous tumors.

Healing time after surgery can range anywhere from a few days to a week. After a lumpectomy without a lymph node biopsy, you're likely to feel well enough to return to work after two or three days. You can usually resume normal physical activities, like going to the gym, after one week.


It usually takes at least 10 days for your penis to heal after circumcision. You'll probably be advised to take at least 1 week off work to recover.

Circumcision can be done at any age. Traditionally, the most common time to do it is soon after your baby is born or within the first month of life. Because the process is painful, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area, and the surgery is performed while the baby is still awake.

Gall Bladder Removal Surgery

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy takes one or two hours.

Most people can return to their normal activities in 7 to 10 days. People who have laparoscopic gallbladder surgery are sore for about a week. But in 2 to 3 weeks they have much less discomfort than people who have open surgery.

You may also feel pain in one or both shoulders. This pain comes from the gas still left in your belly after the surgery. The pain should ease over several days to a week.

Hernia Surgery

For many patients, surgical mesh reduces the actual time required in surgery and helps decrease post-surgery recovery time.

An open hernia repair requires an incision to allow the surgeon to put the bulging tissue back in place (with or without the aid of hernia repair mesh). Alternately, minuscule surgical tools and a small incision is required for laparoscopic hernia surgery. Laparoscopic hernia repair is considered minimally-invasive, often reduces recovery time, and has less chance of producing post-surgery infection.

Since inguinal hernias are the most common type of hernia, the do’s and don’ts of post-surgery are extremely important to follow for best outcomes.

When it comes to “do.” Allow yourself one to two weeks before returning to work, two to three weeks before resuming normal activities, and be sure to follow ALL of your surgeon’s post-operative recovery nutrition, exercise, and overall personal care guidelines

When it comes to “dont’s.” Avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds for four to six weeks (or otherwise instructed by your surgeon), don’t have sexual activity prior to 14 days, or strain during bowel movements (continue to consume as much fiber as your surgeon directs).

Laser surgery for Piles

Laser surgery or laser therapy is a day-care procedure that offers several advantages over traditional surgery. Compared to banding surgery, laser effectively treats hemorrhoids, improves symptoms and reduces post-operative pain.

Laser cauterization is a technique in which the surgeon burns to shrink the swollen hemorrhoids. Alternatively, the surgeon may use a narrow laser beam to focus only on the hemorrhoid and not damage the nearby tissues. It is a safe procedure with minimal bleeding and a quick healing time.

Fissures mostly don’t need excessive treatments, but with treatment, it can heal faster and not become a complicated case. Doctors may prescribe stool softeners, ointments, and other medicines. Your doctor will also help you with a diet chart in order to avoid this condition in the future.

It is a daycare procedure, which can even be conducted within 30 minutes. After this treatment, the patient is discharged on the same day. Radical fiber is used to treat fissures. With no side effects and no pain, today, laser treatments are preferred by many.